Sunday, March 25, 2012

End of Week 3 at MTC

(Sent Tuesday 3/20 2:07pm)

Jem Riab Sua Family! (That means hello. Suasdei is "hi.")

Thank you so much for the wonderful package. I received it yesterday. I shared the delicious mini pies with my companions and roommates. They were so good I ate the rest of them up, even the bigger one. I know pie tastes better and better as it sits but I wouldn't let it. I gobbled it up. Laura with your baking skills you are rapidly replacing me in the kitchen. Will there still be a place for me when I get back? You have done well my sous chef (said in a kind of Jedi tone). Our roles might be reversed when I return. :)

I received some exciting news in the mail today. I've been selected to sing in a special MTC choir that will perform during a session of General Conference!!!!! (Probably a Saturday session) This Sunday they had a survey for missionaries to fill out for a special choir opportunity. They were trying to keep it on the DL what it was for. I didn't think I'd be selected because the slip said they wanted multiple years choir experience, etc. I've only have one year of Jr. High choir. But I was asked to participate. Yay! Actually all the sisters in my district were accepted. (They all have such beautiful voices) We are so excited! Road trip! Be sure to watch for me in conference. I'll be singing Alto. :) (of course) Also tonight at the fireside My companions and I will sing with the usual MTC choir "Consider the Lilies of the Field." It'll be beautiful. Music is so uplifting.
Thank you so much for the blog posts from Sister Smedley's blog ( I actually was going to ask if you could send them to me when I got them in the package. They are truly inspiring. Also funnily enough, Elder Haem (Elder Haem is from Cambodia and called to Korea. He is at the Provo MTC right now learning Korean) is right down the hall from my classroom. Most of the obscure asian languages are on the same floor (or hallway as it may be) We have Thai, Laotian, Hmong, Korean, and quite a few Mandarin Chinese (not so obscure). We always say Jem Riab Sua (hello) Sook Sabby Tay? (How are you) and he responds. It'll be fun when we can actually carry on a full conversation with him. He's so much fun. I noticed in the pictures from the blog he's the tallest member of his family. Here at the MTC he's on the short side. On a side note (connected with you email Mom) I think I'm the tallest sister in the district but it is exaggerated due to the shoes I wear. :)
I didn't watch all of Music and the spoken word this Sunday. I only saw from the spoken part to the end. I was looking forward to it though. Sunday is such a special day here at the MTC. Even though every day feels like Sunday (always wearing church clothes, etc.) the actual day of Sunday does feel like a day of rest here. We don't have class (language learning) and we get lots of personal study time (aka scripture reading). Also we get to watch Music and the Spoken Word (love love love) Attend relief society, sacrament meeting, and end with a fireside. It's fantastic!

Something I have been thinking a lot about this week is the power of prayer. Last night we had a class discussion and study session about revelation through prayer. It struck me the simplicity but truth of prayer. We're taught from a young age to pray but as I've gotten older I have really come to know of and see the power of prayer. It's so simple but so true. It's one of the first things we teach our investigators for a reason. Prayer is the way we communicate with our Heavenly Father and he is there to listen and answer. All we have to do is ask. We can express to him the concerns of our hearts and the desire to know the truth and he will answer. As a missionary, I say a lot of little prayers throughout the day (really I pray all the time). But I have come to realize more and more the true power behind prayer. I cannot express enough in words the power of prayer I have SEEN and FELT since being out on my mission. I know that God hears and answers our prayers. He loves us and wants us to succeed. I have felt sustained by Heavenly Father this past week (really ever since I entered the MTC) and I know that it is thanks to the combined power of our prayers. Thank you. I love you all so much and know that this is where I'm supposed to be. I feel your support and greatly appreciate it.
PRAYER IS POWERFUL! DON'T EVER FORGET! IT'S SIMPLE BUT TRUE. (Most important part of this letter so it is capitalized)
I love you I love you I love you!!!! SSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MMMMMMMMMMMUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Khnom Sralign puak bang jroun!!! Khnom=I Sralign=love (verb) puak bang=you plural (bahng=you (singular)) Jroun=a lot, many (it's an emphasizer word)
All my loving, (yes that was a Beatles song reference)
Sister Emily Maxine Strobell

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