Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sew ...

Dear friends and family,

Greetings from Cambodia! I’m here this summer doing an internship at an orphanage (CICFO) in Phnom Penh. So far I have been teaching the children English but an opportunity has presented itself where I will be able to make a real difference in the kids’ lives. CICFO has wanted to purchase sewing machines in order to teach the kids how to sew. This will teach them a valuable life skill and help them be self-reliant. If you don’t know, sewing is one of my passions at home and something I love doing in my free time. How amazing the timing is that I happen to be interning here at this exact time. I’m contacting you in hopes that you can help raise the $600 that would make it possible for CICFO to purchase 3 sewing machines and a serger. After acquiring the machines, the children will make projects such as tote bags and stuffed animals which will be available for purchase stateside to provide for the children’s basic needs. Help me in making a real and positive change in these children’s lives! 

Love and well wishes from Cambodia!


Pic of me with some of the amazing kids at CICFO.