Sunday, May 6, 2012

Week 10 - 5/01/12

(Excerpts from Emily's family email)

The language is coming along. It doesn't flow as smoothly as I would like but I know that it's only through doing my all and then trusting in the Lord that I will be able to receive the gift of tongues. It's strange to think that just a few short weeks ago I couldn't even recognize the differences between the characters, let alone read them. Now I'm reading and writing in Khmer. Woh! The script is easy for me though. Speaking and understanding is harder and that's what's most important. Our companionship has really committed these last two weeks to crack down on our language skills.

Did you guys happen to watch Music and the Spoken Word Sunday? I have to say that is one of the highlights of my week. I'll miss watching it every week. Anyways I especially enjoyed the message of the spoken part (as I always do. But I enjoy hearing the music too. We don't hear a whole lot of music here in the MTC except on Sunday and Tuesday. Tuesday because of the devotional we have). There was a quote shared from Margaret Thatcher that said something along the lines of "Look at a day when you've been truly satisfied. It's when you've had everything to do and done it." That phrase is so applicable to missionary work and the attitude I want to have when looking back on it. That I had this great work before me to do and I did it. If you could send me the transcript of the message I would very much appreciate it. :) I also liked when Lloyd Newell said "We feel physically tired but emotionally renewed." I can say as a missionary you are always tired. But that's not what matters. You forget yourself and go to work. That's when the blessings come and the joy you get from the work is worth it.

Week 9 - 4/24/12

(Excerpts from Emily's family email)

(above note is Emily writing in Khmer script)

The Cambodian is coming along. I can read from the Book of Mormon. The letters no longer look the same. I've heard two funny comparisons of what Cambodian looks like to others. One is it looks like somebody threw spaghetti at the walls and the other is it looks like bent pitchforks. I'm working on memorizing the first vision in Cambodian. Right now I have about one line down and the pronunciation is probably horrible but it's better than nothing.

At Relief Society last Sunday we had Sister Ann M. Dibb speak to us. I'm sure you are familiar with her as the second counselor in the General Young Women's Presidency but also our prophet, President Thomas S. Monson's daughter. She gave to us advice straight from the prophet's mouth. Talk about personalized! A funny phrase he said that I'd like to share here (and of course it applies to missionary work) is "work will win when wishy washy wishing won't." That's exactly what missionary work is. It's hard but you forget yourself, go all in, and get to work.

Week 8 at the MTC - 4/17/12

(Excerpts from Emily's family email)

In the middle of the night we were awakened to the most annoying sound ever. The fire alarm was going off! at 1:30 in the morning! I wasn't worried. I guess I knew there really wasn't a fire. We're not for sure why it was pulled, probably a prank or accident. We rushed out of our room, ended up in the gym (which is just across the way from where our dorms are) and stayed there for about 10 minutes then we were let back into our dorm. The alarm started up again but only beeped about 3 times before it went off. It took me forever to get back to sleep. It made for an interesting night. In the morning all the alarm clocks going off annoyed me more than usual.

I'm so glad Marion's car was found! And mostly the same. :) The sink part makes for a great story. Throw in the gun, 5 stereos, a blanket and it's hilarious. Hilarious the state it was found in, not that it was stolen. The Lord blesses us in so many ways. I know Marion's had an interesting month but I'm so glad to hear that she's enjoying life and grateful for it.

Something I've been thinking about this last week (and it was brought up in Relief Society) is keeping our missionary experiences current. I know the family isn't the one out on a mission but we all have opportunities in our lives to share the gospel. Grandma also mentioned in her letter she sent to me a couple weeks ago how she enjoys any opportunity she gets to have a spiritual or gospel related conversation with somebody. So family, here's my challenge. I challenge you to look for missionary opportunities, chances to share the gospel with a friend, neighbor, acquaintance, etc. And I want to hear about them. It's not a numbers challenge. It's a get outside yourself and share challenge.

I'm so excited to get to Cambodia. 28 days! (But who's counting? I AM.)

(Here we are pointing to the small but beautiful/wonderful country of Cambodia)

Week 7 at the MTC - 4/10/12

(Excerpt from Emily's family email)

Sunday was Easter! Hope everyone had a Happy Easter! It was different being in the MTC but it was very special. We had three general authorities there, an apostle included. Want to guess which apostle spoke to us??? President Boyd K. Packer! Also his son Elder Packer. Elder Evans was there presiding since he's over the missionary department in his calling. Something that stood out to me in President Packer's talk was fear over faith. Fear is the opposite of faith. Out here on a mission we need to exercise our faith in the Lord, put all our trust in him because this is where we're supposed to be. Our faith gives us power. Also that we are never alone. God is always with us. That has been such a strength to me on my mission. He also said our missions won't be ideal but the trials will make us stronger. That's just what I needed to hear. It's amazing too that in one talk people can get revelation and apply it to themselves. One talk can have multiple messages. Also that night we had a fireside in which the BYU Mens Chorus sang. An Easter away from home especially made me realize how important the Savior is in my life, how powerful the Atonement is for everyone, and how grateful I am for this gospel. All gospel principles have taken on more meaning in my life has I have come to learn of them more throughly for myself. Most importantly the Sacrament Meeting. Before my mission I don't think I truly realized how important that one hour meeting is. We have an hour to remember our Savior and His Atonement. Also we renew our baptismal covenants. We rededicate ourselves to Christ each week. This Easter's sacrament was especially poignant as it was passed out to a congregation of over 2000 at our Easter Conference. Talk about a once in a lifetime opportunity which my mission has been full of. Singing in General Conference, being in the MTC for Easter, and there could be more. That's just all I can think of. But that's really what a mission is. A once in a lifetime chance to serve the Lord and devote 100% of your time to him and bringing people unto him. Talk about amazing. I want to use the time on my mission to really make a difference in other's lives. I don't want to have any regrets looking back on this amazing opportunity I have to serve Heavenly Father.

Week 6 at the MTC

(excerpt from Emily's family email sent 4/3/12)

I can't believe I saw you guys on Saturday! That was unreal. I will always remember singing in conference and being able to wave and blow kisses up to my family in the balcony seats. What an experience!

In my email today I'm going to talk about the songs we sang and how my testimony of each principle has grown so much while on my mission. We opened the conference singing "Glory to God on High." This song is all about praising our Lord and God and all he has blessed us with. The Atonement, repentance, prayer, and much more. "Praise Ye His Name1" We should always give thanks to God for all he blesses us with.
As I shared in previous emails, my testimony of prayer has grown immensely since my weeks in the MTC. "Lead Kindly Light" so eloquently expresses the idea of being guided by our Heavenly Father. If we turn our problems over to him and trust in him, they will be worked out in the way they are supposed to. Lastly "Praise to the Man." That song was amazing. I loved the arrangement and the way it was sung there was so much power behind those words. I really felt the meaning of them. Also Mum as you pointed out in your letter (I received the package today. Thank you! It was a real booster and full of so many lovely things) Millions shall know Brother Joseph again through missionary work. That's what I'm out doing right now. Bringing the message of the restored gospel to others. "Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of Heaven" is my favorite line. What I'm doing now is a sacrifice but I know it will also be such a blessing.