Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pictures received from Emily taken 3/4 - 3/11/12
                                Sweet note from my district wishing me luck on my performance
Sisters in my district
 The Piasaa Khmer District at the Provo temple 3/11/2012
Me and my companions 3/4/12

End of Week 3 at MTC

(Sent Tuesday 3/20 2:07pm)

Jem Riab Sua Family! (That means hello. Suasdei is "hi.")

Thank you so much for the wonderful package. I received it yesterday. I shared the delicious mini pies with my companions and roommates. They were so good I ate the rest of them up, even the bigger one. I know pie tastes better and better as it sits but I wouldn't let it. I gobbled it up. Laura with your baking skills you are rapidly replacing me in the kitchen. Will there still be a place for me when I get back? You have done well my sous chef (said in a kind of Jedi tone). Our roles might be reversed when I return. :)

I received some exciting news in the mail today. I've been selected to sing in a special MTC choir that will perform during a session of General Conference!!!!! (Probably a Saturday session) This Sunday they had a survey for missionaries to fill out for a special choir opportunity. They were trying to keep it on the DL what it was for. I didn't think I'd be selected because the slip said they wanted multiple years choir experience, etc. I've only have one year of Jr. High choir. But I was asked to participate. Yay! Actually all the sisters in my district were accepted. (They all have such beautiful voices) We are so excited! Road trip! Be sure to watch for me in conference. I'll be singing Alto. :) (of course) Also tonight at the fireside My companions and I will sing with the usual MTC choir "Consider the Lilies of the Field." It'll be beautiful. Music is so uplifting.
Thank you so much for the blog posts from Sister Smedley's blog ( I actually was going to ask if you could send them to me when I got them in the package. They are truly inspiring. Also funnily enough, Elder Haem (Elder Haem is from Cambodia and called to Korea. He is at the Provo MTC right now learning Korean) is right down the hall from my classroom. Most of the obscure asian languages are on the same floor (or hallway as it may be) We have Thai, Laotian, Hmong, Korean, and quite a few Mandarin Chinese (not so obscure). We always say Jem Riab Sua (hello) Sook Sabby Tay? (How are you) and he responds. It'll be fun when we can actually carry on a full conversation with him. He's so much fun. I noticed in the pictures from the blog he's the tallest member of his family. Here at the MTC he's on the short side. On a side note (connected with you email Mom) I think I'm the tallest sister in the district but it is exaggerated due to the shoes I wear. :)
I didn't watch all of Music and the spoken word this Sunday. I only saw from the spoken part to the end. I was looking forward to it though. Sunday is such a special day here at the MTC. Even though every day feels like Sunday (always wearing church clothes, etc.) the actual day of Sunday does feel like a day of rest here. We don't have class (language learning) and we get lots of personal study time (aka scripture reading). Also we get to watch Music and the Spoken Word (love love love) Attend relief society, sacrament meeting, and end with a fireside. It's fantastic!

Something I have been thinking a lot about this week is the power of prayer. Last night we had a class discussion and study session about revelation through prayer. It struck me the simplicity but truth of prayer. We're taught from a young age to pray but as I've gotten older I have really come to know of and see the power of prayer. It's so simple but so true. It's one of the first things we teach our investigators for a reason. Prayer is the way we communicate with our Heavenly Father and he is there to listen and answer. All we have to do is ask. We can express to him the concerns of our hearts and the desire to know the truth and he will answer. As a missionary, I say a lot of little prayers throughout the day (really I pray all the time). But I have come to realize more and more the true power behind prayer. I cannot express enough in words the power of prayer I have SEEN and FELT since being out on my mission. I know that God hears and answers our prayers. He loves us and wants us to succeed. I have felt sustained by Heavenly Father this past week (really ever since I entered the MTC) and I know that it is thanks to the combined power of our prayers. Thank you. I love you all so much and know that this is where I'm supposed to be. I feel your support and greatly appreciate it.
PRAYER IS POWERFUL! DON'T EVER FORGET! IT'S SIMPLE BUT TRUE. (Most important part of this letter so it is capitalized)
I love you I love you I love you!!!! SSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MMMMMMMMMMMUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Khnom Sralign puak bang jroun!!! Khnom=I Sralign=love (verb) puak bang=you plural (bahng=you (singular)) Jroun=a lot, many (it's an emphasizer word)
All my loving, (yes that was a Beatles song reference)
Sister Emily Maxine Strobell

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Jem Riab Suab - Week 2 letter from MTC

(sent Tuesday 3/13/2012 1:03pm)
Greetings family!
Well another week has come and gone. I'm starting to see the truth of the phrase "days are like weeks, weeks are like days." Sunday is an especially nice time to reflect on what has happened the past week. I didn't have time to read the blog post last week so I just. I love it. Thank you (ah gkoon). :)
So to start off I played the special musical number in the fireside on Sunday this week. I was asked by Elder Hansen in my branch (going to Ohio Columbus English  speaking) to accompany him. I saw the music on Thursday, auditioned on Friday, and played Sunday night. It was crazy but people enjoyed it and I was glad for the oppurtunity. The song was "Everywhere I Go." It has a great message especially for missionaries. Also on Sunday I played the special musical number in Sacrament meeting. I practically sightread it but I just absolutely love playing any chance I get. It was "Nearer My God to Thee" which was appropriate with the topic that Sunday being the Atonement. The way talks work is everybody prepares a 5 minute talk (which will help us when we're out in the field) and on Sunday the Branch President picks two *lucky* missionaries. I was not picked, fortunately. I enjoy playing piano much more than giving a talk.
For the special musical number in the fireside, Sisters are required to wear a jacket (like blazer). I didn't bring one so I borrowed one from Sister Vom whom I absolutely love. She is HILARIOUS, always makes us laugh but also has such a strong testimony and spirit. Anyway I loved the jacket because it was kind of loose fitting and reminded me of the 90s. Instant love. I wore it with my blue knit dress and they made a good combo. Which brings to the topic of clothes (this is not a complaint) ... I've worn everything I brought at least once already so the sooner those other items of clothing could be sent I would be eternally grateful. Please! Oh also I'd like my Zac Posen shirt sent to me (with some kind of undershirt). Funny story about that. My companion Sister Burrell wore a shirt which reminded me of the Zac Posen shirt and I didn't have any paper to write on so I wrote it on my arm so I'd remember to write you guys about it. (That's a lot of writes) Well I woke up the next morning with "Zac Posen" in ink on my forehead! I don't know how it got there when I saw sleeping. I wrote it high up on my arm, like elbow height. I think people could learn a lot about themselves if they watched themselves sleep so it got me thinking ... How did it end up on my forehead?!?! I must sleep pretty crazy. 

As part of Sunday, the sisters get to watch "Music and the Spoken Word." I know you guys have church then but it's a connection we can have even when we're in completely different places. I especially liked the topic of it last Sunday. It was about parents being an example to their children so I'd just like to take this oppurtunity and thank you, Mom and Dad, for the tremendous examples you have been throughout my whole life but also in serving your missions. I'm the person I am today thanks to you. By the way Clay Christiansen's Organ solo was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I think he used every keyboard on the Organ. So cool!
I've been telling you about our first investiagator Hrol Moon and he commited to be baptized on what I think was our fifth meeting! (Even though he's a practice investigator there was such a spirit in the room and we grew to love him. We were so happy when he said "yes" to being baptized) Then it turned out that he was our teacher (look kruu). So we didn't get a baptism which the date coincidentally picked was Mom's birthday that also happens to be on a Saturday. Now we have two teachers teaching us regularly, look kruu Hawkins and look kruu Merril (funny fact, in Cambodia they say it like "mariel" which means one dollar).
I got the wonderful package yesterday and absolutely LOVED IT!!!!!! I ate 8 cupcakes when I got home this morning from the temple (we go in the morning as part of P day) in addition to the many many that I ate last night. I've been sharing too and the sisters love them. I didn't know the flavors at first so when I bit into one that I thought was vanilla and it turned out to be lemon I was stoked! and then flourless chocolate and strawberry filling ones ... DELICIOUS!!! Thank you so much for the pictures! It made me feel like I was part of the celebrations. The picture of Laura's learners permit made me scream when I first saw it. I have to get used to Laura and Brad being 15 and 17 now. Weird! Give the dogs my love. Muah! (a kiss from me)
The craziest thing of all though is .... I CAN READ CAMBODIAN SCRIPT!!! I understand the letters, subconsonants and vowels and how you read them. It's crazy but makes sense. The district compared it to learning math. Once you get it, it just clicks. As part of our teaching with our second investigator we're learning to read Ether 12:41 in Cambodian. So cool!
In conclusion I'd just like to talk about the special spirit that surrounds me here in the MTC. My Branch President says it makes it possible for us to learn ALL things. I feel the spirit all the time and I love it. It makes doing the work here easier. I just like to add my personal testimony that I know the Gospel is what brings us true and lasting happiness and makes it possible for families to be together forever. Joseph Smith DID restore the true church to the earth and Thomas S. Monson is a prophet today. The Book of Mormon is the word of God.
I love you all! (Khnom Sralign Puak Bahng)
Sister Emily Strobell
PS. Goodbye is Jem Riab Lia/Lia Sun :)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Em's First Letters from MTC

(sent via email 03/06/12 1:39pm)
Subject: Suasdei Family!

Hello from the MTC! Oh my there is so much to write. Thank you for the letters and package. I love them. I love getting the DearElders everyday. I can read them more often since I only check my email on P day which is Tuesday (Today!). 
Sunday was a beautiful day here in the MTC. The sky was blue, the birds were chirping, and there was an amazing spirit. We had mission conference since it was fast Sunday. The talks were amazing but the one that struck me the most was by President Brown. He talked about the final hours of the Savior's life. It was amazing. I had a quote from it but I don't have that notebook. It really just struck me the depth of all the Savior suffered for us so we can be clean and live with him again. I pray everyday to remember the power of the Atonement in my life.Do you know if there's a way to get transcripts of MTC talks? That would be an amazing one to read. Oddly enough the special musical number was "O Divine Redeemer." It was sung by a Sister and it was beautiful but it really made me want to hear the version Laura and I did.
I received a calling this Sunday in our MTC branch (which comprises Cambodian, Vietnamese, and Hmong speaking with some Elders going English speaking to Atlanta, GA). I'm now the musical coordinator. I pick the hymns for Sunday and arrange for special musical numbers. They found out I could play the piano and latched onto that but I love it. I'm glad I can share my talent with others. Our Sacrament meeting on Sunday was amazing. It was fast and testimony meeting and all the testimonies borne were so uplifting and inspiring. Later that day we had a Temple walk which was marvelous. The weather was beautiful and I didn't even have to wear my coat! I got some pictures of my district and companions but I'm not sure when I'll be able to upload them. We had a fireside Sunday night by Alex Boye. It was amazing. I'm sure Marion would've enjoyed it. The three things I remember he said were a mission is a partnership with God and to look to him for help and guidance, you become what you think so think about your mission has an amazing life changing experience and will be. Also believe in yourself, don't get yourself down.
Now to talk more about my companions. I am in a trio with Sister Brunelle and Sister Tsuchida. They are the best companions ever. I love them! Sis. Brunelle comes from Sacramento, CA and is the first of her family to join the church. When she had her farewell her Mom came and showed some interest so she's hoping that she'll join the church. Sister Brunelle has so much energy and brings a lot of fun and livliness to the MTC. She also has a very strong testimony of the Gospel. Sister Tsuchida is from Japan (her family still lives there) and attends UVU. She has one of the most amazing testimonies and brings the spirit wherever she goes. She'll be tri-lingual when she gets home speaking Japanese, English, and Khmer!
There are 5 sisters total in my district all going to Cambodia (Cambodian speaking). Sister Vom Lehn is from New York and Sister Solorio is from Thailand but she's really American. She moved to Thailand in high school. Together we sisters in the district complete each other and have so much fun! Seriously the MTC is a blast.
There are 5 elders in our district with 4 going to Cambodia and 1 going to California Long Beach. The whole district has so much fun together and whenever there is a district meeting we know we're going to have a good time. They say the MTC expericence is made by your district so I'm sure mine will be great. I love my district!
We've taught our investigator a total of three times now. It blew me away when on Friday they had us teaching and investiagor meeting. Each meeting has gotten better and it's been some great experience. Last nights was amazing because we got him to pray on his own. We had the prayer written out in Khmer to help him and he did it all on his own! The feeling was one of the best I've had so far. We're even bringing him a Book of Mormon! We would've last time but we didn't have one in Khmer on us. I've used the word amazing a lot but I don't know what else can describe it. It's just ... Amazing! Look up some words in the thesaurus I could use. :)
Sister Brunelle has a dog and Sister Tsuchida has 3 cats. They really love their pets and I wish I had a picture of Magic and Princess that I could show them.
We only get 30 minutes to check our email on P day so excuse the shortness of the letter. I could go on forever about how wonderful my experience at the MTC has been thus far. And I've only been here one week! I'm going to make the best use of the next 11. I love it here and will also love it when I'm serving the people of Cambodia!
All my love,
Sister Emily Strobell (EMS)

(Emily wrote 2 letters before her email dated 03/01/12 and 03/02/12)


Jem Riam Sua family! Today is my first full day in the MTC and it is going great. Today we got our shots and that's why I'm writing you (not that I didn't want to anyway). 

Our instructor only talks to us in Cambodian which is good for learning the language. Yesterday I was a little uncomfortable with the language so I can't imagine what others are feeling. I love you all and am glad I'm here starting on my mission. They say it gets better after your first Sunday. I can't wait 'til I can communicate the good, happy news the gospel is to the wonderful people of Cambodia. And in their native tongue too! Again, I love you all very much.

Sister Emily Strobell


Thanks for all the letters! The mail didn't get checked for the first time until today. I feel so loved with 5 letters! I'm off to TALL right now (computer lab language study).

So I just got back from district study and it was a blast! My district is way fun and I'm so excited we get to serve together for the next 11 weeks. All 5 of the sisters in my district are 21!

Today I ran into Elder Casey Yates at the bookstore which was cool. Be sure to ask Erin for the picture.

Another thing we did today was teach our first "investigator" which was crazy. We just barely learned how to pray in Khmer and bear our testimonies. We were supposed to teach him how to pray. I'm not sure how much he understood but I know we will get better and the Lord will help us. I'm not worried about the language. I know the Lord will help us master it and communicate better.

The meals here are good. I haven't indulged in my chocolate milk yet but I think I will  tomorrow. They have these wraps here that taste amazing and aren't bad for the waistline either. They actually had BYU Creamery ice cream here on our first day but I didn't get any. We have it every Wednesday and Sunday.

Now to answer some questions that haven't been answered. All the people in my district will leaving at the same time which right now May 15th. Our days are very scheduled. They are filled with studying, studying and more studying but it's good.

We had gym time tonight and when we were done we had the ultimate indulgence of BYU Creamery cookies and cream chocolate milk. It was divine but definitely only every once in a awhile. It was like melted ice cream. 

We have between 4 to 7 hours of language studay everyday with a gym time everyday except P day and Sunday. I played the piano last night in the branch meeting. The presidency said to thank you Mom for having me learn and play the piano.

A spiritual experience I've had since being here is . . . Well I've had numerous spiritual experiences. One of my favorites was when we had the lecture about loving those we teach. It's also important that they know of Heavenly Father's love for them. I'm sure I will have many spiritual experiences to share with you throughout my whole experience.

I was made senior companion at our branch meeting so I try to set a good example but really we all have equal parts in the companionship.

Here's a funny story - when we were teaching our investigator how to pray we asked to kneel down at the beginning and we stayed on the floor the rest of the time. We didn't know how to ask him to get up.
I love you all very much and will write you on Tuesday (P day).

Sister Emily Strobell (EMS)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

 Emily Leaving to the MTC
                   There was a lot of mess made during the preparation for Emily's departure. This image captures what our family room looked like before she left and after. As you can see, we still need to clean up.
                                            Everybody wanted a picture with Emily before we left for Provo. In most of the family pictures I'm the photographer so Marion took some pictures of Emily and I. 
          After a fun lunch at In N' Out we went to visit the Provo temple and Emily got some good bye pictures with our Grandma who was sweet enough to come with us for the drop off. My mom and my grandma reflected on special memories of when my mom left on her own mission thirty years ago as they walked arm in arm around the temple.
               At last the moment came where Emily was escorted by some elders to where she will be spending the next eleven weeks of her mission. I'm so glad I have the example of an older sister going on a mission. Also, that I have a family who loves and supports my sister.
I love my sister and can't wait till I get to read her letters and, even better, see her in person a year and a half from now.
Hope you enjoyed this post,               
Laura J